lördag 8 februari 2014


I'm starting to get so tired of Google+
Comments from my love disappear. He comments and they are are all gone :-(
Every single one is. He doesn't erase it! And I definitely doesn't do it.

But on the other hand.... We live and love in the real world ;-)

torsdag 6 februari 2014

New coffee cup :-)

I know who I'll be thinking of ;-)

onsdag 5 februari 2014


The way I started this morning I wish I could do more often. 
Went to the gym and trained an hour. Then home and had some breakfast. 
I need to take care of me now ;-)

Working from home today! Have a lot to read before I start my course at the university. 
Working 100% (and more) and on top of that school... But sice I love my job it will be fun

måndag 3 februari 2014


Strange... today it was above zero and the snow started to melt again.... 
What have happened to our seasons?? 

I have said it before and I'll say it again...

I have been there, done that and I've got the T-shirt!!
and the result will be the same again as last time....  Different people but it won't change a dam thing!

Vad är vi nu?

Nyfiken som man är så sökte jag lite :-)

Så egentligen kan man säga att vi redan är det eftersom frågan kommit och jag svarat ja!

Så i nästan 1 månadstid har jag kunnat säga fästman ... Dock blir det riktigt officiellt när ringar bytts.